A scan of my apartment

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A scan of my apartment


I’ve been scanning my apartment because the weather isn’t very nice for an outside adventure.

Scanning an extra time into the same area helps a lot with getting the right geometry, it’s the same with photogrammetry.

Because of the weak laptop I need to stay away from the high cost settings.

Ryzen 3300U
8gb ram
Realsense D455f

Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!
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Re: A scan of my apartment

Thx for sharing. The point cloud looks less noisy than I thought for D455.
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Re: A scan of my apartment

Whit good light it works pretty well.
I’ve also limited the range to 2,5 meters as the accuracy deteriorates pretty fast after that.
Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!
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Re: A scan of my apartment

In reply to this post by matlabbe
As the noise is pretty consistent I just run outlier removal followed by smoothing and the result is very good.

The noise is nearly the same as in photogrammetry.
Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!