Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

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Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

rtabmap/cloud_data looks flat eventhough live visualization shows 3d map. This does not happen if I install rtabmap using apt and not building master branch from source. I am using lidar and depth camera here for SLAM.

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Re: Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

Can you share the database?
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Re: Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

Here is the file link. I think it is too large to directly upload here:
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Re: Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

Grid/3D is false, meaning we assume that the local grids can be generated along x-y plane in base frame. In the database, there is a roll of about 1.4 rad on odometry, making y-axis up instead of z-axis.



To use Grid/3D=false, the odometry should have very small roll and pitch. It seems doing the same with latest from source and apt version I can install (from ros2 humble). Which version the apt version is installed on your side? (rtabmap --version)
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Re: Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

Aha, that makes sense, thank you! I am using RTAB-Map: 0.21.9, Grid/3D is indeed set to false by default in this version.
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Re: Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

Grid/3D has been always true by default. Is it explicitly set in your launch file? Here are the parameters different from defaults:
rtabmap-info --diff f8d615c7-587b-47d5-80bb-b15764e18271.db 
Parameters (Yellow=modified, Red=old parameter not used anymore, NA=not in database):
Grid/3D=                           false  (default=true)
Grid/RangeMax=                     0  (default=5.0)
Grid/Sensor=                       0  (default=1)
Icp/CorrespondenceRatio=           0.2  (default=0.1)
Icp/Epsilon=                       0.001  (default=0)
Icp/Iterations=                    10  (default=30)
Icp/MaxCorrespondenceDistance=     1  (default=0.1)
Icp/MaxTranslation=                2  (default=0.2)
Icp/OutlierRatio=                  0.7  (default=0.85)
Icp/PointToPlaneK=                 20  (default=5)
Icp/RangeMin=                      1  (default=0)
Kp/MinDepth=                       1  (default=0)
Mem/IntermediateNodeDataKept=      true  (default=false)
Mem/LaserScanNormalK=              20  (default=0)
Optimizer/Epsilon=                 0.0  (default=0.00001)
Optimizer/Strategy=                1  (default=2)
RGBD/AngularUpdate=                0.05  (default=0.1)
RGBD/LinearUpdate=                 0  (default=0.1)
RGBD/LocalBundleOnLoopClosure=     true  (default=false)
RGBD/NeighborLinkRefining=         true  (default=false)
RGBD/ProximityBySpace=             false  (default=true)
RGBD/ProximityGlobalScanMap=       true  (default=false)
RGBD/ProximityOdomGuess=           true  (default=false)
RGBD/ProximityPathMaxNeighbors=    1  (default=0)
Reg/Strategy=                      1  (default=0)
Rtabmap/CreateIntermediateNodes=   true  (default=false)
Vis/MinDepth=                      1  (default=0)

Grid/RangeMax and Grid/Sensor would be modified from the default if a scan or scan_cloud topic is subscribed (and a log/warning is shown on start telling so).
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Re: Cloud looks flat with latest master branch

It seems like it was explicitly set to false, my mistake. So it made all sense that the grid points suddenly looked flat.