Configuration for stereo camera

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Configuration for stereo camera

How to set up the great algorithm for stereo camera with ROS? Thx
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Re: Configuration for stereo camera


You can look at the  SetupOnYourRobot wiki page  under the stereo configuration.

While this example would still work, I've added a new callback to rtabmap node for stereo images. Contrary to the example above, the disparity_to_depth node is not required anymore. See this launch file for a complete working example for a Bumblebee2 (camera1394 interface).
The middle section of the launch file shows examples for different stereo odometry approaches like viso2_ros, fovis_ros and stereo_odometry node from rtabmap. Note that "rate" parameter of stereo_throttle nodelet could be increased to 20/30Hz on more powerful computers.