Is there a convenient way to export pcd file using rtbamap-export in similar fashion as rtbamap -databaseViewer does?
Most options from the UI are available from rtabmap-export. See the usage description:
$ rtabmap-export Usage: rtabmap-export [options] database.db Options: --output "" Output name (default: name of the database is used). --output_dir "" Output directory (default: same directory than the database). --ascii Export PLY in ascii format. --las Export cloud in LAS instead of PLY (PDAL dependency required). --mesh Create a mesh. --texture Create a mesh with texture. --texture_size # Texture size 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384 (default 8192). --texture_count # Maximum textures generated (default 1). Ignored by --multiband option (adjust --multiband_contrib instead). --texture_range # Maximum camera range for texturing a polygon (default 0 meters: no limit). --texture_angle # Maximum camera angle for texturing a polygon (default 0 deg: no limit). --texture_depth_error # Maximum depth error between reprojected mesh and depth image to texture a face (-1=disabled, 0=edge length is used, default=0). --texture_roi_ratios "# # # #" Region of interest from images to texture or to color scans. Format is "left right top bottom" (e.g. "0 0 0 0.1" means 10% of the image bottom not used). --texture_d2c Distance to camera policy. --texture_blur # Motion blur threshold (default 0: disabled). Below this threshold, the image is considered blurred. 0 means disabled. 50 can be good default. --cam_projection Camera projection on assembled cloud and export node ID on each point (in PointSourceId field). --cam_projection_keep_all Keep not colored points from cameras (node ID will be 0 and color will be red). --cam_projection_decimation Decimate images before projecting the points. --cam_projection_mask "" File path for a mask. Format should be 8-bits grayscale. The mask should cover all cameras in case multi-camera is used and have the same resolution. --poses Export optimized poses of the robot frame (e.g., base_link). --poses_camera Export optimized poses of the camera frame (e.g., optical frame). --poses_scan Export optimized poses of the scan frame. --poses_format # Format used for exported poses (default is 11): 0=Raw 3x4 transformation matrix (r11 r12 r13 tx r21 r22 r23 ty r31 r32 r33 tz) 1=RGBD-SLAM (in motion capture coordinate frame) 2=KITTI (same as raw but in optical frame) 3=TORO 4=g2o 10=RGBD-SLAM in ROS coordinate frame (stamp x y z qx qy qz qw) 11=RGBD-SLAM in ROS coordinate frame + ID (stamp x y z qx qy qz qw id) --images Export images with stamp as file name. --images_id Export images with node id as file name. --ba Do global bundle adjustment before assembling the clouds. --gain # Gain compensation value (default 1, set 0 to disable). --gain_gray Do gain estimation compensation on gray channel only (default RGB channels). --no_blending Disable blending when texturing. --no_clean Disable cleaning colorless polygons. --min_cluster # When meshing, filter clusters of polygons with size less than this threshold (default 200, -1 means keep only biggest contiguous surface). --low_gain # Low brightness gain 0-100 (default 0). --high_gain # High brightness gain 0-100 (default 10). --multiband Enable multiband texturing (AliceVision dependency required). --multiband_downscale # Downscaling reduce the texture quality but speed up the computation time (default 2). --multiband_contrib "# # # # " Number of contributions per frequency band for the multi-band blending, should be 4 values! (default "1 5 10 0"). --multiband_unwrap # Method to unwrap input mesh: 0=basic (default, >600k faces, fast), 1=ABF (<=300k faces, generate 1 atlas), 2=LSCM (<=600k faces, optimize space). --multiband_fillholes Fill Texture holes with plausible values. --multiband_padding # Texture edge padding size in pixel (0-100) (default 5). --multiband_scorethr # 0 to disable filtering based on threshold to relative best score (0.0-1.0). (default 0.1). --multiband_anglethr # 0 to disable angle hard threshold filtering (0.0, 180.0) (default 90.0). --multiband_forcevisible Triangle visibility is based on the union of vertices visibility. --poisson_depth # Set Poisson depth for mesh reconstruction. --poisson_size # Set target polygon size when computing Poisson's depth for mesh reconstruction (default 0.03 m). --max_polygons # Maximum polygons when creating a mesh (default 300000, set 0 for no limit). --min_range # Minimum range of the created clouds (default 0 m). --max_range # Maximum range of the created clouds (default 4 m, 0 m with --scan). --decimation # Depth image decimation before creating the clouds (default 4, 1 with --scan). --voxel # Voxel size of the created clouds (default 0.01 m, 0 m with --scan). --ground_normals_up # Flip ground normals up if close to -z axis (default 0, 0=disabled, value should be >0 and <1, typical 0.9). --noise_radius # Noise filtering search radius (default 0, 0=disabled). --noise_k # Noise filtering minimum neighbors in search radius (default 5, 0=disabled). --prop_radius_factor # Proportional radius filter factor (default 0, 0=disabled). Start tuning from 0.01. --prop_radius_scale # Proportional radius filter neighbor scale (default 2). --random_samples # Number of output samples using a random filter (default 0, 0=disabled). --color_radius # Radius used to colorize polygons (default 0.05 m, 0 m with --scan). Set 0 for nearest color. --scan Use laser scan for the point cloud. --save_in_db Save resulting assembled point cloud or mesh in the database. --xmin # Minimum range on X axis to keep nodes to export. --xmax # Maximum range on X axis to keep nodes to export. --ymin # Minimum range on Y axis to keep nodes to export. --ymax # Maximum range on Y axis to keep nodes to export. --zmin # Minimum range on Z axis to keep nodes to export. --zmax # Maximum range on Z axis to keep nodes to export. --filter_ceiling # Filter points over a custom height (default 0 m, 0=disabled). --filter_floor # Filter points below a custom height (default 0 m, 0=disabled). RTAB-Map options: --help Show usage. --version Show version of rtabmap and its dependencies. --params Show all parameters with their default value and description. If a database path is set as last argument, the parameters in the database will be shown in INI format. --"parameter name" "value" Overwrite a specific RTAB-Map's parameter : --SURF/HessianThreshold 150 For parameters in table format, add ',' between values : --Kp/RoiRatios 0,0,0.1,0 Logger options: --nolog Disable logger --logconsole Set logger console type --logfile "path" Set logger file type --logfilea "path" Set logger file type with appending mode if the file already exists --udebug Set logger level to debug --uinfo Set logger level to info --uwarn Set logger level to warn --uerror Set logger level to error --logtime "bool" Print time when logging --logwhere "bool" Print where when logging --logthread "bool" Print thread id when logging If you find a satisfactory combination of parameters from DatabaseViewer and you are not sure what are the corresponding options here, I could help you. |
Figured out I could use pcl_ply2pcd -format 0 /root/.ros/rtabmap_cloud.ply /root/.ros/rtabmap_cloud.pcd to convert from ply to pcd file. I can not seem to see this option directly in rtabmap-export usage.
Oh sorry, I read too fast. rtabmap-export only exports in PLY, LAS or OBJ. Using pcl_ply2pcd should indeed work.
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