Finding the best settings?

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Finding the best settings?

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Hello again.

I got myself a Windows laptop now with Ryzen R7 7730U and 16gb ram.

I found a setting that works but if I add ICP or some filtering the laptop struggles.

So what settings could I tweak to get the best result without overloading the laptop doing slam?

Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!
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Re: Finding the best settings?

ICP works best only when the depth or point cloud accuracy is high, which would be the case for LiDAR/TOF camera based sensors. So it may not really help with D455.

To get the best results, it starts often by doing a trajectory that limits odometry drift. For examples: make the the area is well lit, avoid scanning in a way that only textureless surfaces would appear in the camera field of view. You can take a step back to keep good features to track in field of view while scanning a textureless area. Doing loop closures also helps to reduce drift over time, so ideally come back to starting point after scanning a room.

With limited CPU/GPU resources, you can decrease how many points are rendered in the 3D view (Preferences->3D Rendering). In source panel, you could decrease the resolution of the sensor used if the option is available. Under Odometry settings, it is also possible to increase decimation to decrease resolution, so we can have faster odometry. Under Visual Registration, we can also decrease the number of features to extract. Increasing GFTT enclidean distance can help to extract features everywhere in the image, which would improve odometry.


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Re: Finding the best settings?

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It works well without decreasing resolution, but I will try the GFTT tweak.

I’m looking to get higher accuracy.
Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!