That is indeed impressive, though not perfect:
It looks like this MagicPlan app could be interesting to integrate such technology to get a clean layout of the environment / clean occupancy grid (for global planning), then rely on stereo sensor outputs for obstacle avoidance and local planning.
With ZED camera, increasing the confidence of the depth values to keep only the edges can help to project only good estimated points in the occupancy grid. ZED default depth estimation tends to overestimate textureless surfaces (to have most dense possible depth image), but it comes at a cost of creating very bad estimation on those surfaces (adding obstacles in middle of a corridor for example, or having edge depth bleeding).
For parameter tuning, you may try limiting the range of the local grid and the height of the obstacles, like:
Grid/Sensor: 1
Grid/RayTracing: 1
Grid/3D: false
Grid/RangeMax: 3
Grid/NormalsSegmentation: false
Grid/MaxObstacleHeight: 0.4
Grid/MaxGroundHeight: 0.1