RTAB map using a Livox Lidar

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RTAB map using a Livox Lidar

Hello There!

I am currently trying to set up my rtabmap to create a 3d-map representation of the PointCloud2 data of my Livox 3D-Lidar. I have managed to create a 2D map using Rviz which is working perfectly fine.
I am running into some issues though...
Starting up rtabmap I have created a new database and selected a .ini file with the following adjustments to ensure the data is being received:

The error I am getting at the moment is that it can't find any rgb-d camera. I then proceeded to set camera in the preferences to none and navigated down to the lidar option in which I wanted to set this option to my LiDAR. Bu the only option visible is called "VLP-16", which unfortunately is not the LiDAR i am using. I also echo'd the topic and I am receiving the right data.
As mentioned before I am using a Livox LiDAR. Does anyone have an input to where I am going wrong?
I would really appreciate the help!
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Re: RTAB map using a Livox Lidar

You should use rtabmap_ros, not rtabmap standalone app. You may look at the examples here: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap_ros/tree/ros2/rtabmap_examples/launch

Some of them are based on /velodyne_points topic and "velodyne" frame_id, but you could change the parameters/topic to match your lidar topic and frame.

For example: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap_ros/blob/ros2/rtabmap_examples/launch/lidar3d.launch.py
ros2 launch rtabmap_examples lidar3d.launch.py lidar_topic:=/velodyne_points frame_id:=velodyne

EDIT: based on info your post, you may try this:
ros2 launch rtabmap_examples lidar3d.launch.py lidar_topic:=/livox/lidar  frame_id:=livox_frame