Relocalization with icp odometry and icp slam

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Relocalization with icp odometry and icp slam

Does rtabmap perform relocalization in slam node, or this something the odometry node does? What happens for instance if I have lidar with icp odometry (reg/strategy=1) and rtabmap with camera and odometry from odometry node with reg/strategy set to visual (reg/strategy=0). It seems like only the odometry node perform the relocalization as well and not the rtabmap node? Am I missing something here?

here is the launch file

correction: the reg/strategy should be 0 for this case I am wondering
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Re: Relocalization with icp odometry and icp slam

rtabmap does re-localization (or more precisely: detect loop closures) in slam mode. Odometry nodes don't do any re-localization.

You can have icp_odometry prodiving odometry to rtabmap node, with the later uses the camera for re-localization.