2 realsense cameras in ROS2 rtabmap

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2 realsense cameras in ROS2 rtabmap

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dear forum, some help! I am struggling with the rtabmap parameters

I just want to know the right launch command with the correct parameters.

I am trying to integrate 2 (final goal is 3) D405 intelralsense cameras with the Rtabmap with ROS2-rolling, but there exist poor documentation about it, and I only find examples of the two kinects in ROS1 and it is just not straight forward. And yes, ROS2-rolling is needed for the system...

Step 1: launching the two realsense cameras:
$ ros2 launch realsense2_camera rs_multi_camera_launch.py pointcloud.enable1:=true pointcloud.enable2:=true serial_no1:=_128422271521 serial_no2:=_128422272518

Step2: making the static tf:
$ ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher --x 0.04 --y 0 --z 0 --yaw 0 --pitch 0 --roll 1.5708 --frame-id base_link --child-frame-id camera1_link
$ ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher --x -0 --y 0 --z 0.02 --yaw 1.5708 --pitch -1.5708 --roll 0 --frame-id baske_link --child-frame-id camera2_link

Step3: launching rtabmap:
$ ros2 launch rtabmap_launch rtabmap.launch.py \
    rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" \
    subscribe_rgbd:=true \
    rgbd_sync:=true \
    approx_synch:=false \
    rgb_topic:=/camera1/color/image_rect_raw \
    depth_topic:=/camera1/depth/image_rect_raw \
    camera_info_topic:=/camera1/color/camera_info \
    frame_id:=camera1_link \
    approx_sync:=false \
    wait_imu_to_init:=false \
    qos:=1 \

Step4: I have the same in Step3, but for the second camera.

It has already worked for 1 camera!, but...

I really have tried many stuff for multiple cameras:
- to add the namespace:=rtabmap1 and rtabmap2 separated, but the voxel_cloud is still the same topic
- to state rgbd_cameras:=2 but nothing happens
- to do rgb1_topic, depth1_topic, and camera_info1_topic, and for the second camera, but nothing happens! I think it is because of the possible inputs for the RTABmap nodes
- all possible combinations of the previous points

Looking deeper, I have found some multi-camera functions in the CoreWrapper.h of the package, so it should theoretically work!

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? it really exist a way to make it work with 2 or 3 cameras with only paramater management? Is there a launch file for ROS2 as a reference? THANKS!
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Re: 2 realsense cameras in ROS2 rtabmap
