3D map problem on xavier with melodic

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3D map problem on xavier with melodic


I've just switched to using a jetson xavier from the tx2 due to processing and ram restraints. Having installed the necessary software ie ROS and Rtabmap, The 3D map viewer window doesnt seem to want to work. This happens for both ros-rtabmap (top pic) and standalone (botton pic) altohugh rviz works fine. Would anyone have any ideas how to overcome this, what may be causing it or what dependencies i'm overlooking?


Rtabmap-ros using zed wrapper

Rtabmap standalone
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Re: 3D map problem on xavier with melodic

Eric Schleicher
I don't have an answer, but the nano does this as well (bad 3d window) with rtabmap stanalone.  It might be an issue with the (newer) jetpacks.    What jetpack were you running on the TX2 vs the xavier?

I have a tx2 that works correctly..   but also is an older install...    my nano is same as you have.  

Can you try on the tx2 with a fresh/latest jetpack?

I'm sort of hoping that it's a newer jetpack issue, and that it's a single workaround for both nano and xavier
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Re: 3D map problem on xavier with melodic

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Thanks for your reply Eric. I think you're right regarding the jetpacks although there is a gentleman that has got everything working on the Xavier but unfortunately hasn't documented his steps.


I'm using jetpack 3.2 with the tx2 which runs absolutely fine. It's just lacking adequate processing power for my needs. I did try the 3.3 jetpack but the same problems occur as the Xavier - bad 3D window. So reverted back sometime ago. On the Xavier I'm running jetpack 4.2.1.
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Re: 3D map problem on xavier with melodic

@matlabbe would you by any chance have an idea what the problem may be? Unfortunately i dont seem to be getting very far on the nvidia forum. What is even more frustrating is that nvidia for some reason have removed the ability to customise the kernel on the xavier so if the problem lies there then its no easy task to rectify.

I did take my system out for a trial run into my study woodland and the outcome was quite positive. The use of rviz is very useful but i will need the flexibiltiy of using ROS and the standalone rtabmap so the lack of 3D window is a bit of a hinderance and the final hurdle before incorporating lidar and completing my MSc research project.

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Re: 3D map problem on xavier with melodic


which ubuntu version is used on xavier (18.04)? If you want the standalone version only for post-processing, I suggest that you copy the database on a computer with the standalone working, and continue using RVIZ on ROS for rtabmap online visualization.

Note that I did some testing on Jetson Nano to make rtabmapviz and standalone working (nano has similar issue for the 3D map view), but at the cost of not being able to use rtabmap_ros's rviz plugins in RVIZ. See this post:


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Re: 3D map problem on xavier with melodic

I have the same problem in Jetson TX2 and JetPack 4.2.2: ubuntu 18.04 and melodic.