About CommonDataSubscriberRGBD code research

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About CommonDataSubscriberRGBD code research

Sorry,I was researching what code subscribe the image topic to run the rtabmap.
I found the CommonDataSubscriberRGBD set in "rtabmap_sync_lib_src" . Did it used to subscribe RGB topic ?

If not, how rtabmap_ros subscribe the image topic to run ?

I would like to find out what code extract feature points of image. I want to use yolov3 to detect object just like "DynaSLAM" purpose.  

Could you tell me where can I start to process?
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Re: About CommonDataSubscriberRGBD code research


There are multiple ways to subscribe to image topic. When subscribe_rgb and subscribe_depth are true, you can do "rosnode info rtabmap" or rqt_graph to see which image topic it is subscribed to.

The features are extracted using one of the Features2D classes: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/blob/master/corelib/include/rtabmap/core/Features2d.h

More precisely, when creating the signature: https://github.com/introlab/rtabmap/blob/7be22d1b67c6a1f95e61cff0b66b9ef178d2c7ff/corelib/src/Memory.cpp#L4370-L4372