About scan matching

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About scan matching

I am always grateful for your help.
I have a question about point cloud mapping.

I'm currently doing Slam with an external odometry (using T265).
In this case, I think that the point cloud is not aligned, that is, scan matching is not performed. Is this recognition correct?
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Re: About scan matching


The point cloud is coming from which sensor? a lidar or another RGB-D camera?

If you use T265 as odometry, beware that its pose is related to camera, not the base link of the robot. There is maybe an option in relasense ros pkg to specifiy the target frame of odometry. Otherwise, you can look at this post: http://official-rtab-map-forum.206.s1.nabble.com/icp-odometry-with-t265-as-guess-td7548.html#a7558