Apply Long-Term Online Multi-Session Graph-Based SPLAM with Memory Management to my robot

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Apply Long-Term Online Multi-Session Graph-Based SPLAM with Memory Management to my robot

I am trying to apply    rtabmap_ros/launch/azimut3/az3_nav.launch which utilize the method in paper published in 2017 to do online-SPLAM task.

As I changed az3_bring_up part to my robot and copy basically the rest of the launch file.
now from the rqt_graph node the data_throttle package doesn't subscribe topics from my kinect V2 sensor as it should. (I already change the remap part in launch file). And it doesn't publsih topics as well. So are points_xyz_planner
obstacles_detection nodes. From rqt_graph they don't publish topics nor do they publish topics.

In a word the 3 nodelet in az3_nav.launch file doesn't work.

Can you tell me where could I go wrong?

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Re: Apply Long-Term Online Multi-Session Graph-Based SPLAM with Memory Management to my robot

Hi Feng,

The nodelets are using the nodelets manager from OpenNI (camera_nodelet_manager). You may need to create your own nodelet manager to attach the nodelets to it.
