Aruco markers using iPhone app

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Aruco markers using iPhone app


I am not a robotics developer. I am an investment analyst investigating the digital twin capability of your app for the new iPhones/iPads.

I am trying to use aruco markers I found files of online with rtab map, but even if I have all the settings exactly perfect, the app doesn’t seem to notice them. I need to scan some extremely bland hallways, and register some scans to each other, and I hope you can maybe take a video of you using this feature on iPhone to demonstrate how to implement it successfully.

Thank you,
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Re: Aruco markers using iPhone app


I tested mostly with apriltag type "Tag36h11", not sure how good it is for ArUcO tags. You have to select APRILTAG_36h11 in Mapping section of the settings.

Does your phone/ipad have lidar? If no, you should set the size of the marker, parameter "Marker Size (cm)" in Mapping section of the settings. Otherwise with LiDAR, you can increase "Marker Depth Error Estimation" to detect first time the tag more easily (by default, you should look perpendicular to tag):
Size of markers are automatically initialized on the first marker seen. All markers should have the same size. This value is the maximum depth error to do the initialization to get accurate size of the tag. The lower it is, the more perpendicular the camera should be from the marker to do initialization, but size estimated would be more accurate.
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Re: Aruco markers using iPhone app

Hello Mathieu,

Thanks for replying so quickly!

I understand all your comments. The remaining curiosity I have is knowing whether or not the April tags appear to be recognized by the app in real-time during a scan? What would the resultant workflow be if I made a scan just like you suggest?

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Re: Aruco markers using iPhone app


When a tag is detected, a coordinate frame will appear on the tag. When a tag is seen a second time, the full screen will flash orange with a message telling that the landmark ## has been detected.
