Best Export Settings For OBJ

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Best Export Settings For OBJ


I am just curious if anyone has any opinions on what the best OBJ export settings are for scans of an relatively small indoor space. The goal is after scanning and mapping, the scan can be exported as an .obj file with as much detail as possible so that the mesh with texture can be uploaded to unity and inspected in VR. I have been playing around with the export 3D cloud settings and seeing what changing certain settings does to the result. If anyone also exports map .obj what are the settings that have worked best for your meshes?

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Re: Best Export Settings For OBJ

There is no best answer. It starts by having the most accurate point cloud possible, thus unless you are using a TOF camera, the 3d reconstruction won't be good (well it depends how accurate you are comfortable with).

For Tango/iOS-Lidar data, there is an example of config:

Increasing poisson depth would increase the number of polygons, but will also be less robust to noise.

Multiband option would give the best texturing.
