Calibration Xtion (.yaml)

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Calibration Xtion (.yaml)

Hi guys,
I'm using your RTABMap, but I obtain a curvature in my point clouds. I suppose that the reason could be the default calibration.

My device is an Asus Xtion Pro Live and I'm using OPENNI2. I obtain a calibration (.yaml with intrinsic and extrinsic parameters) but Rtabmap doesn't allow to load a .yaml file using OPENNI2 and uses always the factory calibration.

I would like to know how to change this factory calibration by our own calibration (.yaml file with intrinsics and extrinsic parameters). Someone knows where is this factory calibration?

I'm using your stand-alone version for Windows.

Thank you so much.

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Re: Calibration Xtion (.yaml)

Indeed, on the standalone we cannot use manual calibration for Freenect, OpenNI and OpenNI2 drivers (only for Freenect2 and stereo cameras). An issue is opened here.
