Camera modell evaluation

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Camera modell evaluation

hi Dear RTab-Map Community

i wanted to ask the community here if you could help me find suitable camera models you might know to use Rtap-map for stereo Slam 3D scanning.

Or would you say its possible to build a small lidar supoprt for the D435i and use rtab-map? so that i can still move around?

Im really sticky to the rtab-map solution becuase i beleave its the most confortable an genius solution out there!

I have testes many scenarios now with a D435i intel realsense and so far the camera is was not able to give me good result outdoors, the 848px resolution seems to be to lowres to give me a crispy 3d modell with cloud points.

i was also not able to setup the cameras auto exposure to setting where it would now mess up the shots taken, i had to many dark spots where the cloud points mess my scan up.
There was also a constant jittering and distortion in the cloud that would mess with the texture later baked on the mesh.

can you recommend me other Camera solutions that woul be usable to scan buildings like the d435i?
I would like ti use the camera on drone and by hand on my surface.

im very thankfull for any tips and solutions
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Re: Camera modell evaluation

Hi Pascal,

Do you have screenshots? It could help to see if the results you have are expected results from D435i. D400 cameras are stereo cameras, they won't give crisp 3D results, unless surfaces are very textured. As you are outside, L515 may not work, it seems very sensitive to sunlight.

Not sure what is the scale of what you are scanning, but outdoor with large surfaces, I would prefer stereo cameras with larger baseline (10-11 cm) like Zed2 or MyntEyeS.

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Re: Camera modell evaluation

Hi Mathieu

this is the best result i got but in know that the problems are because of the somethimes to dark images.
i used the stereo mode for this.

The roof has failed because it has snow on it, but that was obvious.

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Re: Camera modell evaluation


I think the biggest issue is the motion blur in the camera. When using the RGB camera of D400, it is sensible to motion blur when rotation or moving relatively fast. The roof on left of the first image seems not correctly aligned with a previous pass, which would be caused by odometry drift.

You may try IR mode with D435i (while disabling ir emitter), this will give better odometry and images with almost none motion blur, though you will lose color. It depends on what is better for you.

If "online" is not required for your application and you want the maximum quality texture, you may also try MeshRoom with some still photos, which would avoid the motion blur problem.
