Can RTAB_Map ros support cv_bridge on python3 envs?

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Can RTAB_Map ros support cv_bridge on python3 envs?

Hi.I would like to use detection model to process image input first. By using it, to make the result more accurate.

About my research,I need to build  cv_bridge (with python3_ros),so I rebuild the cv_bridge to connect the detection model.

But when I built the python3_ros to publish the detection,I found RTAB_Map cannot subscribe the image topic (rgb topic and depth topic),I think RTAb_map cannot use cv_bridge on python3_env.

What can I do to make rtabmap_ros can connect image topic on python3?
I know rtabmap is used in default environment,does it possible to build on python3 by "catkin_make" comment?

Sorry to bother you
If you cannot understand what I want to ask,please tell me. Thnaks~~
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Re: Can RTAB_Map ros support cv_bridge on python3 envs?

There should not have any problems. What error do you have?