Can you turn off the RTabMap/RViz GUI?

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Can you turn off the RTabMap/RViz GUI?

Hey Guys,
I am currently using RTabMap with an Intel D435i and I am using the ROS Wrapper for Intel RealSense Devices.

I am currently running the opensource_tracking launch file for my project.
$ roslaunch realsense2_camera opensource_tracking.launch

I am trying to extract the highest density point cloud possible from RTabMap. The only important parameters to me are the voxel size, decimation, and max range. I am manually setting the voxel size to 0, decimation to 1, and max range to 0.5 meters. After the RTabMap session is over I am using the following command to export my point cloud.
$ rtabmap-export --voxel 0 ~/.ros/rtabmap.db

I am running my system on an Nvidia Jetson with 8 GB of RAM. I am planning to program my system to run autonomously and remotely. I won't be needing to interact with and look at the GUI, so I was wondering if you can run this RTabMap session without actually opening any GUIs so I can save RAM storage for other purposes.
Is there a way to run this whole process with a couple of commands without actually opening any GUIs?

Thank You
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Re: Can you turn off the RTabMap/RViz GUI?


if both of these are false, no ui will be launched.
