Clams calibration not working. What do i do wrong?

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Clams calibration not working. What do i do wrong?

Hello again.

The test sample works well but when i try it on a sample from Iphone the software frees.
Down in the "Depth Calibration window" it says "0 training samples".

What am I missing?
Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!
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Re: Clams calibration not working. What do i do wrong?

Now the sample doesnt work.
Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!
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Re: Clams calibration not working. What do i do wrong?

Can you share your training database?

I tried the example and it is still working.

Note that CLAMS approach was primarily integrated for depth camera using structured light technology (like Kinect for xbox 360). For iOS LiDAR, it should not really help as the LiDAR should be already fairly accurate.
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Re: Clams calibration not working. What do i do wrong?

That might be the problem
Construction surveyor since 2006 and tech-nerd.

I also use WebODM!