Cleanup 3D occupancy grid?

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Cleanup 3D occupancy grid?

Hi Mathieu, we're trying to use RTAB-Map in a busy environment where there are a lot of people wandering around the operating area. As a result, whenever we map, we keep getting the people walking around mapped as well. By changing the value of GridGlobal/OccupancyThr, we manage to clean up the people from the 2D map. Is it possible to do the same with the 3D map?

Best Regards
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Re: Cleanup 3D occupancy grid?

With Grid/3D=True and Grid/RayTracing=True, you could generate an octomap, then convert the octomap into a point cloud based on the occupancy threshold (or subscribe to "/rtabmap/octomap_occupied_space" point cloud directly).

If you are not using ROS, we can visualize the Octomap as a point cloud in rtabmap 3D view (Preferences->Grid Map Assembling), or in rtabmap-databaseViewer with occupancy grid view. To export, there is a File->Export octomap menu option. You would have to convert the Octomap file yourself to a point cloud. OctoMap project has also a visualizer.
