Cloud Map does not contain points near ground, but contains ground itself

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Cloud Map does not contain points near ground, but contains ground itself

I'm having the problem that the point cloud generated by RTABMAP has a "gap" of points between the ground and a certain height (seems to be about the same as camera height). Is there a reason for this? I wasn't able to find such a parameter (using the usual "rtabmap --params").

I have attached a screenshot to show the gap. Check the mapped persons' lower legs, they're missing their feet!

As you can see by the white points in a separate point cloud, the Kinect that is used for mapping can clearly "see" this missing part!



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Re: Cloud Map does not contain points near ground, but contains ground itself


it looks like the cloud is cut at the height of the kinect. I assume it is the output of obstacles_detection nodelet that you are showing. Make sure you set the correct frame_id. Which rtabmap version are you using?
