Combining visual and icp odometry

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Combining visual and icp odometry

Hendrik C
Hello everyone

I was looking through the paper "RTAB-Map as an Open-Source Lidar and Visual SLAM Library for Large-Scale and Long-Term Online Operation". It states that RTAB-map has two ways to generate odometry from exteroceptive sensors, namely visual from camera and icp from LIDAR.

I was wondering if it is possible to generate both the visual (in my case stereo) odometry and icp odometry, and to fuse them together either internally in RTAB-map (if it has such a function) or by using for instance the robot_localization package (as shown in the sensor_fusion.launch example).

Thanks in advance
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Re: Combining visual and icp odometry



stereo_odometry and icp_odometry can be started independently in parallel, their outputs could be fed to robot_localization.

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Re: Combining visual and icp odometry

Hendrik C
Thanks Matthieu!
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Re: Combining visual and icp odometry

In reply to this post by matlabbe

what are the output topics related to stereo_odometry and icp_odometry?

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Re: Combining visual and icp odometry

They both provide odometry topics, one should make sure to remap their output topic name to avoid issues where 2 nodes are publishing on the same topic.