Compare(Benchmark) poses results

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Compare(Benchmark) poses results

I want to compare Rtabmap output poses result(the path of the camera), to already captured databases - as in:
For example, "New Collage" database has both "Images" - used in the guide, and GPS (x,y) coordinates:
I want to compare the provided coordinates to the calculated coordinates by Rtabmap, yet the guide concentrates only on loop closures.
I successfully opened the provided GPS in Matlab ( plot(GPS(:,1),GPS(:,2)) ), yet I couldn't open the .db file created when running the "Commands for dataset"(to open it in Rtabmap and save the poses file.)
What is the fastest way to open the poses coordinates(x,y is enough) from the "Images" provided in the dataset?
Thank you very much,
(Rtabmap fan) Senia Kalma.
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Re: Compare(Benchmark) poses results


rtabmap-console used to benchmark the loop closure detection approach does not save the database. It only outputs the results in the LogF.txt and LogI.txt files (the first is for float values and the second is for integer values). See here for their corresponding column descriptions. You can get the matching IDs of the loop closures under the first column for LogI.txt file. See MATLAB ShowLogs.m script as example. You will have a bunch of figures in MATLAB using this script and the log files as explained in this example.

While the benchmark is purely appearance-based loop closure detection, there are no poses saved.

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Re: Compare(Benchmark) poses results

Again, thank you.