Coverage Problem with rtabmap

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Coverage Problem with rtabmap

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Hello, currently I am hanging on coverage problem with the given map, built with rtabmap.

First of all, I found demo_hector_mapping.launch in rtabmap pkg. I slightly had expectation, but found out that
hector_mapping is just method of mapping using lidar sensor only without using odometry. Does it really have no
relationship with hector_exploration?

As I said in subject, I want to do coverage problem, using code. If I could get global planner data
by variable or something, it would be great but I don't know how.
1) Have you ever heard about getting map data by variable(code, localization mode)?
2) "" getting global planner by ""
I searched code of heatmap, frontier exploration, and hector exploration, but I couldn't find..(It might be my lack of skills)

If there is an idea covering the map by code without given map, that would be also grateful.
Thank you for reading.
Also, would it be possible to do at here)
with the rtabmap mapping node turned on??
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Re: Coverage Problem with rtabmap


I didn't try these exploration packages. You may be better to ask on ROS answers. Overall, rtabmap can provide an occupancy map while mapping, so any approaches based on the occupancy grid map would work. If they depend on a global costmap, you need to have the navigation stack setup so that move_base can create a global costmap from rtabmap's occupancy grid map.

Hope this could give some hints about integrating an exploration approach.
