I'm trying to use the version of Rtabmap for ROS, usually managed to install and run some of launchs making refĂȘnrencia just Handle mapping using the following command roslaunch rtabmap_ros rgbd_mapping.launch. But care use autonomic and open mapping in Rviz thing I did not have success just by following the tutorials of rtabmap_ros, example ran in a terminal the rtabmap_ros roslaunch demo_robot_mapping.launch rviz: = true rtabmapviz: = false and another terminal used the rosbag play --clock demo_mapping.bag both run without misidentification, but I believe and I is also wrong that was to be opened in Rtabmap or rviz for viewing the capture process. which in my case ta not happening or opening the rtabmap or run this launch or open the Rviz. would like help to know what I'm not doing,
OPs: desire to run autonomously in the Rtabmap Turtlebot 2, so it is much movement around the mapping environment when arise if they can help me in this task would be grateful!
I thank any help.