Custom dataset and keypoints extraction on iOS

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Custom dataset and keypoints extraction on iOS

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Re: Custom dataset and keypoints extraction on iOS


1.1: I've never try to use debugger with iOS, you may give a try with Debug config instead.
1.2: The ARKit 3D features are used when LIDAR-mode is disabled, projected in RGB image to extract BRIEF descriptor. With lidar mode is enabled, they will only be saved in "LaserScan" data, just for debugging purpose. The 2D features will be extracted from the RGB image inside Memory::createSignature() function.

2. Yes all raw data is recorded (even if you lower rendering quality to save rendering memory/cpu). If you are also interested to just record data without doing online loop closure, you could set Mapping->Max Features Extracted (Vocabulary) to Disabled, increase Mapping->Update Rate if you want more frames, and decrease Rendering quality to avoid fulling RAM to fast. With RTAB-Map's desktop, you could replay the database with different features or other options.
