Hi Dan,
A "decimation" of 2 means that for an image of 640x480, we get an image of 320x240. A decimation of 4 would result in an image of 160x120. When rendering point clouds, we then project 160x120=19200 points instead of 640x480=307200. As a comparison, a Velodyne VLP16 would produce 300 000 per second, while an image at 640x480x30Hz would produce 9 216 000 per second. When decimating those images by 4, we would get instead 576 000 points per second, which is more in the range of common 3D LiDARs.
rtabmapviz 3D rendering parameters can use high decimation parameters to avoid having visualization lagging because there are too much points to render. However, when exporting offline, we can chose to regenerate the clouds at higher resolution.