Depth compression in rtabmap_msgs/SensorData

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Depth compression in rtabmap_msgs/SensorData


I am using RTABMap SLAM with RGBD images and would like to further process the RGB and depth images associated with RTABMap key frames in real time.

Here is the command I used to launch RTABMap:
ros2 launch rtabmap_launch    

To find the RGB and depth images associated with RTABMap key frames in real time, I am using the `get_map_data` service to get the rtabmap_msgs/MapData message and the rtabmap_msgs/SensorData message within it. The raw images `left` and `right` are both empty. The compressed RGB image `left_compressed` looks fine, and I am able to successfully uncompress it in Python using OpenCV. But the `right_compressed` image seems to be in an RGBA format. It is the same resolution as my depth image, but with four channels ranging from 0-255, instead of one channel ranging from 0-10000. I am having trouble uncompressing this into a useful format.

If I create my map first and export my database using this command:
`rtabmap-export --images_id --poses_camera --poses_format 11 <path-to-database>.db`

Then the depth images look great. Here is the format:
rtabmap_export depth Image Header:
Format: PNG
Mode: I;16
Size: (640, 360)

But when I use the get_map_data service as described, or even the get_node_data service, this is the format:
ros get_node_data, get_map_data service right_compressed Image header:
Format: PNG
Mode: RGBA
Size: (640, 360)

How would you recommend uncompressing the depth images from the map?
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Re: Depth compression in rtabmap_msgs/SensorData

In case anyone else has this issue in the future:

The depth images can be uncompressed by combining all four 8 bit channels as a single 32 bit float and then converting this 32 bit float to a 16 bit uint by removing NaNs and any values greater than 2^16.
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Re: Depth compression in rtabmap_msgs/SensorData

If depth images are 32 bits float, they are compressed with opencv as RGBA images. See c++ code to see how it is handled:

After decoding into RGBA, we recast the whole data structure from 8UC4 format to float 1 channel.