Depth image from thermal camera

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Depth image from thermal camera


Is it possible to generate the depth from the thermal camera. Our project has an outdoor vehicle equipped with velodyne, industry grade IMU and high precision GPS with a thermal camera.
The camera images look something as attached. We do not have any stereo on the vehicle but I want to try RTABMAP with this setup. Can you help me with this.
------ Alex
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Re: Depth image from thermal camera

The thermal image is not a depth image. It could be used to provide the RGB image (as grayscale maybe) alone, without depth or stereo if you have external accurate odometry.

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Re: Depth image from thermal camera


What I mean was that can I use the velodyne and the image from the thermal camera + rgb camera to produce a depth image. If I remember correctly rtabmap has a node to produce depth images using velodyne. Any suggestions with this setup. I have a 32 layer Lidar.

Thanks a lot for your time.
------ Alex
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Re: Depth image from thermal camera

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See this post:

EDIT: In our case, you may use icp_odometry to get odometry with the velodyne alone, then feed the thermal+depth from scan to rtabmap for visual loop closure detections.