DepthAI/OAK cameras

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DepthAI/OAK cameras

Hi there was a basic support for OAK cameras in the standalone version. I know by this thread that there was issues with rgb alignment and synchronisation or timestamps.

Im finding lots of issues with this cameras in almost every area, but still your partial support seen in that thread is the best I could get, at least with ROS

I would ask you if you have planned or if it is in the works give full support to this cameras (specially in looking for mobile platform use)
If don't I would ask if is possible the reason, in example closed firmware, lack of support from the company , hardware issues. (I found issues in all that in my case)

I ask you this because I invested some money and everything I have to can be dedicated to robotics (and I have not much for anything) on this cameras and in a few projects with them, and I'm thinking in surrender as I cannot see almost anything positive and in the right way (reliable)  and for me the right way is use your software.

No problem if you decide don't answer, or do it in private, to be honest I'm quite frustrated because every sounds great with DetphAI but later the real thing is very different (in the slam/depth/ROS related)

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Re: DepthAI/OAK cameras

Thank you Matlabbe.
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Re: DepthAI/OAK cameras


You were right on time, I was working with oak-d today. See my last posts here: and here:

The second one I added a parameter on rtabmap side to filter bad synchronized frames. Hope those examples will help you!


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Re: DepthAI/OAK cameras

When the IMU urdf issue will be fixed, I will update the official rtabmap hand-held mapping wiki with those oak-d examples.
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Re: DepthAI/OAK cameras

yeah Thanks!!! , I seen it as I was part of the thread, so I was subscribed. I couldn't believe so fast you made it work and how you find issues so fast, thanks a lot.
As you seen there was issues that needed attention, because that I was so frustrated. After that I discovered hardware issues in the two cameras I have access. Also they just applied some improvements to one example, but not to the ones I was using so they weren't working at all. I understood it was your case too.
I will wait to they fix the problem that you said and to your guide and everything updated in github because I'm very bad with patches and that stuff.

I think other issues, (as rational_polynomial instead plumb_bob/equidistant that prevent other slam packages of can use it) but for the moment fixing what you found, will be a lot easier to debug them


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Re: DepthAI/OAK cameras

In reply to this post by FPSychoric
I'm receiving this error from Rtabmap and main branch of depthai, I guess due to the imu interpolation upgraded in recent branchs. it send me different erros in diffterent modes, 0,1 or 2.
`[ERROR] (2022-04-29 12:18:10.218) CoreWrapper.cpp:2506::imuAsyncCallback() IMU received doesn't have orientation set, it is ignored.
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Re: DepthAI/OAK cameras
