Different 3D map in rtabmap-viz and rviz

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Different 3D map in rtabmap-viz and rviz


I am using rtabmap with ROS and a gazebo simulation. I launch the rtabamap and rtabmapviz nodes at the same time. In rtabmapviz I can see the whole map but in rviz I see only small pieces:



When I move the robot near to the objects it adds them to the map, but only if it is close to them.

Thank you,
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Re: Different 3D map in rtabmap-viz and rviz

Hi Inés,

in rviz, the map cloud plugin limits maximum depth to 4 meters by default, while in rtabmapviz this parameter is 0 (infinite, see Preferences->3D Rendering). If you want to see the whole point cloud in rviz, set its parameter to 0.

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Re: Different 3D map in rtabmap-viz and rviz

Hi Mathieu,

Is the Grid/RangeMax parameter what you are talking about? I have tried to change it but it seems to do nothing. When I do "rosparam get /robot/zed2/rtabmap/Grid/RangeMax" the result is 0 or whatever I have there, but if I do "rtabmap --params | grep Grid/" I see "Param: Grid/RangeMax = "5.0"" always, like it is not changing.
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Re: Different 3D map in rtabmap-viz and rviz

See http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros#Map_Cloud_Display
In rviz, are you visualizing /rtabmap/mapData topic? If so, the max depth range is in the options of the rviz display as in the link above.

If you are visualizing cloud_map, it is indeed Grid/RangeMax that should be modified. Note sure how you launched rtabmap node, but Grid/RangeMax can be set as parameter inside rtabmap tag, or by argument (see doc).

When doing "rtabmap --params", it only lists default parameters with default values.