Does rtabmap must need libfreenect2? I don't use kinect but realsense

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Does rtabmap must need libfreenect2? I don't use kinect but realsense

I read the tutorial and it told me to open rtabmap. I go to the installation manual of rtabmap. And run
The output information is below:
./rtabmap: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If I'm right, the libfreeect2 is a driver for Kinect. Must the rtabmap need libfreenect2? or My way to open rtabmap is wrong?
Can you provide me some advice? Thanks a lot.
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Re: Does rtabmap must need libfreenect2? I don't use kinect but realsense

I clone the freenect2 and build it. Then rebuild the rtabmap, the error didn't occur anymore.
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Re: Does rtabmap must need libfreenect2? I don't use kinect but realsense

rtabmap was somewhat linked to a freenect2 library from a past build. freenect2 is not required to build rtabmap.