Does the main rtabmap node (slam) support nodelet? +extra questions

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Does the main rtabmap node (slam) support nodelet? +extra questions

We're trying to optimize our system, so we thought making rtabmap use nodelets.

I previously thought that this is OK, but upon reading, I found out that rtabmap (utils, sync, etc) has nodelet support, but it seems the main slam node does not support nodelets?

(1) Am I wrong or am I missing something? Can I load rtabmap_slam as a nodelet?

(2) Another question is the rtabmap odometry a separate process? Or is it just a wrapper for odom settings for the main rtabmap?
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Re: Does the main rtabmap node (slam) support nodelet? +extra questions


1. the nodelet rtabmap_slam/rtabmap nodelet should exist, if there is an issue with it, post an issue

2. rtabmap_odom's odometry nodes are different processes than rtabmap_slam/rtabmap node. You may combine odometry and rtabmap nodelets inside the same node. If you want to re-use visual features already extracted by odometry node in the rtabmap node, connect rgbd_image output topic from the odometry node to rtabmap node (with the later using subscribe_rgbd:=true).