Having multiple sessions not connected is a little more tricky but possible. Following this post:
http://official-rtab-map-forum.206.s1.nabble.com/Exporting-multiple-session-maps-tp2157p2187.html, you can export clouds of the selected session. In your case, under the Graph View, set "Optimize from" to a value between 120 and 240. Click File->Export 3D Map, then make sure you answer No to "Do you want to assemble...". This will save all frames separately (multiple PCD files).
The PCD files would be organized, so including NaN values for invalid pixels in the depth image. To convert to PLY, do this to remove the NaN values:
$ pcl_passthrough_filter node1.pcd output1.pcd -min -9999999 -max 9999999 -keep 0
$ pcl_pcd2ply output1.pcd node1.ply
Note that you can also do in Database Viewer: File->Extract Images, to extract all RGB and depth images from all sessions at once. Make sure to use PNG for RGB images than you will be able to use PCL tools as mentioned in my previous post to reconstruct the cloud.