Exporting database without depth images

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Exporting database without depth images

Hi, I have created an RTABMAP database.  I have been trying to reduce the size of the database by exporting without depth images.  When I load the database again, I lose the graph.

Does the RTABMAP database need to have the depth images?  I thought the necessary information was just the graph and bag of words for each image.

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Re: Exporting database without depth images

This functionality is not implemented. The exporting option is just exporting the raw data. The easiest way to remove all depth images for the database is to edit manually the database:
$ sqlite3 my_map.db "UPDATE Data SET depth = NULL;"
I am not sure if the database file will shrink. If not, check this post to rebuild the database after updating the "depth" field to null: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7682690

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Re: Exporting database without depth images

Thank you for the reply!  I was able to reduce the database size with the 2 commands:

sqlite3 my_map.db "UPDATE Data SET depth = NULL;"
sqlite3 my_map.db "VACUUM;"