Exporting pose does not work

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Exporting pose does not work


We are using custom RGB-D images as an input in ROS RTAB-Map. There are 229 images for RGB and depth  and using file name as time stamp. when I am exporting the pose after I run the SLAM (when last image is reached), only the pose from the last frame is shown on txt file. How can I make sure to get pose information from all the time-points?
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Re: Exporting pose does not work

Does it work with file name as id? If you export the poses, how many poses are exported?

Cannot reproduce the problem:

Poses RGB-D slam format (camera frame):
# timestamp x y z qx qy qz qw
1611782436.402149 -0.012905 0.062995 0.080414 0.740425 -0.008923 0.672023 -0.008730
1611782467.004529 0.097737 0.056198 0.320478 0.656566 0.248656 0.667209 -0.248844
1611782471.305317 1.058928 0.769560 0.563613 0.658995 0.218607 0.654744 -0.298742
1611782476.105052 3.532651 1.831147 0.571026 0.684736 0.078004 0.707267 -0.157558
1611782480.807279 5.429287 1.847433 0.498312 0.644045 -0.264997 0.689480 0.198997
1611782485.306641 6.304188 0.252404 0.541409 0.495470 -0.474139 0.572991 0.448756
1611782489.706524 6.637585 -1.698500 0.520789 0.443945 -0.515437 0.539313 0.496365
1611782494.306893 6.348926 -3.383910 0.563411 0.209149 -0.648777 0.326112 0.654978
1611782499.008299 4.930517 -4.227173 0.573802 -0.014089 -0.684099 0.056713 0.727045
1611782503.609009 2.893635 -4.145786 0.576008 -0.214203 -0.644621 -0.128372 0.722566
1611782508.108732 1.671763 -2.783589 0.586782 -0.416436 -0.534493 -0.413584 0.608150
1611782512.909076 1.060979 -0.582624 0.517812 0.545424 0.416926 0.529837 -0.497954
1611782517.410170 0.192913 0.118399 0.372458 0.672188 0.232808 0.649379 -0.268834
1611782522.110824 -0.011688 0.120570 0.024338 0.731481 0.003934 0.681850 0.000007
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Re: Exporting pose does not work

Thank you for the reply

These are the RGB-D images and there are 228 of them.

this is the setting for resource files. I have checked "use file names as timestamps option" as you can see from following image.

After I run the SLAM by pressing start button and when it reaches to last images, I exported the pose in RGB-D SLAM format. It only shows the last timeframe.

do you think I am missing some steps or running with wrong setting?

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Re: Exporting pose does not work

Can you share the database?

There is a red screen in the 3D map view, if the odometry has been lost from the beginning, no nodes would be added to map. There should be a blue path in the 3D Map view.
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Re: Exporting pose does not work

I am not sure if I can share database because of the data right. Meanwhile, I see the white path in the 3D Map section which should be location & pose of the object? The odometry has been lost several times during running but I set to reset the location from last keyframe when that happens. So I am not expecting to have pose for all the time frames but I at least several frames.
Should odometry consistently be running over all the frame to get multiple timeframe poses? Is there way that I can get the pose for the only time frames that odometry worked?
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Re: Exporting pose does not work

When odometry is reset, unless there is a loop closure with previous map, the graph will contain only poses of the last map. In your case, if odometry has been reset just before the last frame, the graph will contain only one pose.

I just added a new option in rtabmap-databaseViewer to export raw odometry poses, independently if there are multiple disconnected maps in the database. When doing File->export poses..., you will have this question:

By default it will be the graph poses, but you can switch to odometry.
