Exporting single frame pointclouds and separate camera point clouds from RTabMap

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Exporting single frame pointclouds and separate camera point clouds from RTabMap

Hello Everyone,
I've been trying develop a system of multiple Intel D435is, working on a single session of RTabMap, in order to get a single PointCloud from all three cameras running at the same time.
I've adapted the Demo With Two Kinects launch file for my cameras for this purpose.

Currently I am using the RTabMap's GUI or the RTabMap's Export Tool ( with the following command: rtabmap-export --voxel 0 --max_range 1.00 ~/.ros/rtabmap.db ) to get the global map. The exported Point Cloud includes the PointClouds from each camera in one Global Map.

1. I wanted to know if it's possible to export the pointclouds from each camera separately and have them in separate files!

2. Also I wanted to know if it is possible to extract the point clouds from individual frames of the cameras before getting stitched?

Thank You
Farshad Bolouri

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Re: Exporting single frame pointclouds and separate camera point clouds from RTabMap


1. yes it is possible, the the option is available only with the UI. Open the database in rtabmap-databaseViewer or rtabmap, then do File->Export 3D clouds, and uncheck "Assemble clouds..."

2. You can also do File->Export images in rtabmap-databaseViewer. Images from 2 cameras may be "stitched" but could be easily split with a python script if you need them individually.