Hey Guys,
I'm Fairly new with RTabMap. I've been working with RTabMap using a D435i sensor based on the tutorial given by Intel,
https://github.com/IntelRealSense/realsense-ros/wiki/SLAM-with-D435iSo I am using
$ roslaunch realsense2_camera opensource_tracking.launch
I've been facing some problems that I thought it's better if I post them in separate posts. I'd really appreciate it if anyone can help me with these questions.
Right now I am trying to extract the frames (video) captured by D435i in a separate file. I know how to record the SLAM session in a rosebag file using for example,
$ rosbag record -O my_bagfile_1.bag /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/camera_info camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw /camera/color/camera_info /camera/color/image_raw /camera/imu /camera/imu_info /tf_static
But I just want the video to use for other purposes. In the RVIZ GUI itself, I'm setting the "Image-> Image Topic" parameter to "/camera/color/image_raw". Basically, I want to have that "image_raw" frames in a separate file as a video format.
Is there a way to do that?