Gaps in visual odometry

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Gaps in visual odometry

Hi, I am currently using zed_mini to record and use the generated svo file to construct point cloud. I want to use it with a PathPlanner but the issue is that the global path goes in-between walls. Also the corner portions of the map are being blocked completely and I am not able to correct it using noise filters.
 rtabmap launch file:
Path Planning launch file:

As you could see, the corners get blocked and the path goes inside and through the walls. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Gaps in visual odometry

This environment can be difficult for pure stereo. The white walls would create holes as depth values cannot be accurately computed on them. A Grid/CellSize of 1 cm is very small, in general for indoor we use 5 cm voxel for the global map.

If you want to avoid planning in holes in the wall, you could increase the footprint or inflation radius for the costmaps.
