Google Tango - Lenovo Phab 2 Pro - Textures

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Google Tango - Lenovo Phab 2 Pro - Textures

Hi guys, your app is great. I really love it, i was only thinking about few things.
1. If iam trying to export textures larger than 4096x4096 it always makes error. I had one idea maybe you can somehow add that it will save in more then one texture. For example if i set high quality it starts to make pictures in specific resolution and when is one frame full (for example frame 2048x2048) it will make new one and continue cos high ress textures are very important for me.
2. it will be great option to save some settings - for example i will make best settings for outdoor terrain and then i will go to interier continue scanning and i will have to change all the settings again. or make some presets for small objects, interiors, large landscape (fast scan, big polygons no texture)
3. last thing is not really importat but can be usefull to put option view only mesh without colors, only edges and surface

anyway yor app is great, thanks you!!
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Re: Google Tango - Lenovo Phab 2 Pro - Textures

Hi Adams,

Thx for feedback. I added respective enhancement issues:, and

1) You may be able to export in larger resolution if you don't visualize on Tango the exported mesh (skip visualization step).
2) Note that rtabmap always records all data even if big polygons/no textures are set. For more fine export options, RTAB-Map desktop can open the database and re-export at any resolution/density (File->Export 3D Clouds...). Well, this is also possible on Tango (re-open database after changing rendering parameters), but there could be memory issue if too much data has to be regenerated (higher resolution).
3) Currently, there is indeed no way to switch off the colors or show edges. However, we can see colorless polygons when exporting colored mesh, by setting Export options "Clean Mesh" to false and "Color Radius" to Disabled. The "Lighting" button appearing on visualization can help to see geometry, even if edges are not shown.

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Re: Google Tango - Lenovo Phab 2 Pro - Textures

Just released 0.13 version with these new features.