Ground robot equipped with RGB, Depth, IMU, 2D lidar

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Ground robot equipped with RGB, Depth, IMU, 2D lidar

Hi Mathieu,

We have a ground robot equipped with the following sensors:
RGB camera
Depth camera rectified and synchronized to the RGB camera
IMU synchronized to the camera
2D lidar

How would you go about 3 DOF mapping and localizing, using these sensors, for best results?

Thanks,  Bob
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Re: Ground robot equipped with RGB, Depth, IMU, 2D lidar

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Re: Ground robot equipped with RGB, Depth, IMU, 2D lidar

Thank you !!!

How would you synchronize the IMU to the 2D lidar?
In which of the RTAB-Map's implementations is this synchronization important?

Best,  Yoni
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Re: Ground robot equipped with RGB, Depth, IMU, 2D lidar


Make sure the IMU clock is synchronized with same clock than lidar. RTAB-Map will interpolate IMU values against lidar's stamp in case IMU is not hardware synchronized with lidar.