How Bayesian Filter work?

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How Bayesian Filter work?

Dear friends
I try to understand how Bayesian Filter work in Loop closure detection, but it is very hard to debug the rtabmap and see how Bayesian Filter can get the probabilities from the prives see location.

I study the two main articles
Appearance-Based Loop Closure Detection for Online Large-Scale and Long-Term Operation.
A Fast and Incremental Method for Loop-Closure Detection Using Bags of Visual Words.

but I can't figure out how it work.
if any one can support me with small example or tutorial show how it work, I will be very thanks full.
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Re: How Bayesian Filter work?


You can look at the MATLAB scripts in RTAB-Map source. Particularly, you can run the RecursiveBayes.m script for a simple example of hypothesis propagation.

The C++ code does mostly the same, but it is more complex because of the memory management approach.
