How can I get clear map?

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How can I get clear map?

Hello everyone,

I used the stereo camera with rtabmap to build the map.

I already try some parameters to reduce noise to make it clear. but it still not clear like this:

Can anyone give me a suggest for change which part of params?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: How can I get clear map?


You can set a maximum depth to filter far noisy points from the map, see Preferences->3D Rendering. You can also tune the StereoBM parameters in Preferences(Advanced)->StereoBM, these parameters affect how the dense cloud is constructed from stereo images.

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Re: How can I get clear map?

Hi Mathieu,

Thank for your help.

I already reduce some noise by set maximum. and I try StereoBM parameters also.


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Re: How can I get clear map?

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by matlabbe

I also have this problem: I use Realsense R200 Camera to build a map, I have set some Params like:

"Grid/NoiseFilteringRadius"  and "Grid/NoiseFilteringMinNeighbors"   in this Link

But there are still too much outliers and noise.Could you tell me how does these two params work?

Another question: how can I tuning the maximum depth param in ROS version ?

Please give me an example in launch file, I use RGBD camera.

Thx ~
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Re: How can I get clear map?


Do you refer to output cloud (PointCloud2) from rtabmap node or rviz/rtabmapviz cloud visualization. You can attach a screenshot to see which cloud you are talking about. The post above was about rendering in rtabmapviz or rtabmap standalone GUI, for which parameters are in Preferences->3D rendering.

For rtabmap node, parameters are:
$ rosrun rtabmap_ros rtabmap --params | grep Grid/
"Grid/NoiseFilteringRadius" and "Grid/NoiseFilteringMinNeighbors" should both set to filter noisy points. See this page for information about the algorithm used. Note that radius filtering is done after voxel filtering (by default the map is voxelized at 5 cm).

For the maximum depth "Grid/DepthMax", the default is 4 meters.

$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start --Grid/NoiseFilteringRadius 0.15 --Grid/NoiseFilteringMinNeighbors 2 --Grid/DepthMax 3"

Note that with realsense ros node (don't remember where someone told this), it is possible to tune the output to get already less noise in depth image before it is being used by rtabmap.
