How can I get the 2D grid map?

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How can I get the 2D grid map?

Peter Zhao
     I have already known how to create 3D maps through Rtab-Map, but how can I get the 2D maps? I installed the standalone version and only have a kinect. Are they enough to make a 2D map?
     Thanks for your help!
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Re: How can I get the 2D grid map?


It is better to create 2D maps on ROS, but it is still possible with the standalone. So in the standalone, go in Preferences dialog -> 3D Rendering -> Occupancy Grid Map, and check "Occupancy from 3D cloud projection on the ground". Close the dialog and show up the "Graph view". When mapping, you should see a 2D map being created. Note that if the sensor doesn't see the ground, only obstacles will be drawn. The camera orientation at initialization is important too, it should point parallel to ground.

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Re: How can I get the 2D grid map?

Peter Zhao
Thank you so much! I will have a try.