How can I load db in chunks or load multiple db dynamically ?

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How can I load db in chunks or load multiple db dynamically ?

I use rtabmap localization mode in the outdoor , because the travel range is very large, resulting in a large database, each time i start rtabmap loading the database takes a long time

 I want to load database block, only load the current location of a kilometer database, driving a After loading another database in kilometers, How can I load db in chunks or load multiple db dynamically ? Can you give me some advice? Thank you !
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Re: How can I load db in chunks or load multiple db dynamically ?

Which rtabmap version do you use? How many nodes are loaded when opening a database?

If the whole map has to be reconstructed, it would be indeed long. You may try to play with the Rtabmap/MemoryThr parameter. It will keep a constant number of nodes in RAM. Set it to 500, 1000, 5000 or more depending on computation power. This will limit the size of the map around the robot. When moving in a known area, it will expand automatically the map, similarly to what you are wanting to do.


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Re: How can I load db in chunks or load multiple db dynamically ?

Thank you for your reply!
I know this parameter and have used it,I mean my entire map is very large, and I want to initialize it with only a portion of the map which is a shorter time to load db for the first time
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Re: How can I load db in chunks or load multiple db dynamically ?

When Rtabmap/MemoryThr is set, it should load nodes up to this fixed threshold in the first time. Note that the map should have been created using this parameter, otherwise all nodes will be loaded.
