rtabmap subscribes either to a LaserScan topic ("scan") or a PointCloud2 topic ("scan_cloud"), not both at the same time. You would have PointCloud2 + RGBDCamera + odom to produce the map. The PointCloud2 input would include both the horizontal and vertical scans.
horizontal lidar (/base_scan) --> scan_to_cloud (/base_scan_cloud) --
merge_clouds (/scan_cloud) ----
/ \
vertical lidar (/v_scan)--> laser_assembler (/assembled_scans) ------ \
/ \
/ (tf odom) \
/ \
tf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ \
\ \
Odom (/odom)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> rtabmap
RGBD images (camera/rgb/image_rect_color, camera/depth_registered/image_raw, camera/rgb/camera_info)--