How to built RtabMap with ORB-SLAM3

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How to built RtabMap with ORB-SLAM3

I have noetic there an option to build rtabmap with ORBS-SLAM3 (

How can i do that ?
1-do i need to install Ros-wappor of ORBS-SLAM3 then publish the odometry and subscribe its topic by  Rtabmap ?
2- or just i need to use odometry node in rtabmp  with (Odom,Strategy=5) and subscribe stereo with IMU and camera information topics ?

Can the first method apply with any slam/vio approach such as (basalt VIO)  ?because what i understand from Rtabmap documentations is odometry (loclazation) processing totally independent from map processing ( only map node subscribe odometry topic  )

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Re: How to built RtabMap with ORB-SLAM3



Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the two options:
1) no need to rebuild rtabmap, start ORB_SLAM3 package and connect odometry topic if available. I say "if available" because starting ORB_SLAM3 like that, it will do loop closure detection inside ORB_SLAM3, so not very usable with rtabmap (unless you comment or disable loop closure detection inside ORB_SLAM3 package). This option could do VIO + RTAB-Map configuration.
2) IMU support with ORB_SLAM3 odometry inside rtabmap's odometry is not implemented. Only Stereo/RGB-D ORB_SLAM3 is usable inside rtabmap's odometry. rtabmap should be rebuilt from source to have this option (make sure cmake shows "With ORB_SLAM = YES" to know that orbslam3 is detected by the build system).
