How to create a config for highest performance?

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How to create a config for highest performance?

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I'm using the Orbbec Astra camera on Ros 2 Humble. The ROS 2 wrapper for the camera driver is here:

I'm reading through these to get an idea of how to increase rtabmap performance.

Advanced Parameter Tuning

Issue 358

Issue 449

What is the best way for me to go about messing with the variables and measuring how each one affects performance so I can make the perfect config?
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Re: How to create a config for highest performance?

With rtabmap_viz, you can open Statistics panel to show all timing statistics. This can help to know which part of the algorithm is using most of the time, then tuning related parameters can help to improve overall responsiveness.

To get odometry statistics in rtabmap_viz, parameter "subscribe_odom_info" should be true.