How to discard RGB information which doesn't have a valid Depth information?

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How to discard RGB information which doesn't have a valid Depth information?

Satish Akula
Hi Mathieu,

I'm using RTAB-map with intel real sense d435 camera. while mapping space I've kept the clip distance or maximum depth range 5 meters,-1 (no limit) in both the cases I got the map covered with space with different depth information. Attaching the DB's for your reference.
How can I restrict/avoid the RGB/color information if it is out of the maximum depth range?

Thank you.
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Re: How to discard RGB information which doesn't have a valid Depth information?

It is impressive how wrong is the depth image in the middle part when clip distance is enabled:

Clipping (far part is closer):

Max (the reflection of the floor causes wrong depth estimation):

Create a node to filter depth pixels over your maximum range, set 0 value so that they are ignored by rtabmap.
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Re: How to discard RGB information which doesn't have a valid Depth information?

Satish Akula
This post was updated on .
Many thanks, Mathieu for the quick reply.
the wrong depth values are coming from the reflection from the floor. I didn't understand the solution that you suggested.
Clip distance parameter in intel realsense depth cameras limit its depth range to the value of clip distance which means beyond that range the depth values ​​will be zeros, correct me if I'm wrong.

Could you please give me some more clear details on how to solve this?

Once again thank you very much for your support.
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Re: How to discard RGB information which doesn't have a valid Depth information?

You can have a node subscribed to depth image, then for each pixels, set them to zero if the value is over a fixed distance.